Sword of Darkness Part 6-1: Loose canon?--Mac Joins the Fray by Mac ---------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I know that this doesn't begin where the last one left off. Just read. Oh, and I hope that you weren't looking here for disclaimers, because I'm not giving them. By the way, not much happens here... It's just an opener. Feel free to scroll to the bottom for a summary. ---------------------------------------------------------- Earth dimension alpha is known as the primary alpha dimension. It happens to by one of my favorite places to spend my time, and the fact that it is my home is only half of my reasoning for that. On this particularly bright, sunny, and beautiful day, I was standing beside my little red truck on a secluded piece of highway that cut through a wooded area. I was also scowling at the sky, watching it intently. Normally when I come here, it's to get away from all of the dangers and confusion inherent to using the Vortex to hop between all sorts of different dimensions. The DGF blocks all unauthorized traffic from here, unless it originates from it. So, when I sensed a great, malicious power hanging around, I had the sense to pull off the road and try to identify it. Fortunately for the rest of the dimension, it was heading for me. As it got closer, I began to sense that it was psychic, very powerful, carried Vortex energy, and probably came from a Pokemon dimension. I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw MewTwo stop in the air above me. Either way, I didn't flinch. Mewtwo didn't lack in speed as he dropped from the sky and landed with a dull thud on the ground just across the road from me. I waited for his villanous speech, and as I expected, he didn't speak, but communicated telapathically. "You are quite powerful for such a race of pithy, weak, destructive creatures." His 'voice', especially since it was a resonance in my head, was quite chilling, but I didn't let him know it. "Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment." I spoke out loud. I was well aware that I could have projected my thoughts to him, but I knew better than to try. I knew even then that Mewtwo was very powerful psychically, and I didn't want to risk sending any thoughts other than the ones I intended. Already, blocking my internal thoughts from his probing was a greater task than I had anticipated, though I was still accomplishing it without effort. "You have a very interesting, beautiful planet, even considering the horrors your kind has put it through. It will be much better off once I exterminate you." "I'm assuming that the last 'you' was plural?" I asked. The greatest advantage to having nerves of steel is not being able to bluff, but the ability to have a lot of fun bantering with the bad guy. "For the rest, it will be a slow, painful process. But, you die now!" "I'm assuming that the last 'you' was singular?" Mewtwo's eyebrow twitched, and sent an invisible, apparantly psychic blast torward me. It ripped up the ground and pavement as it flew at me, but it dissappated into a mere gust of wind as it reached me. I had been prepared for it. "Trying to overpower me like that isn't going to work." I said. This time the blast didn't bother taking up the ground, and hit me head on in the chest, sending me flying into a tree, most of which was sent flying into fist-sized chunks from the impact. "You jerk!" I yelled, "That was hardwood!" I slid to the ground and took a fighting stance. Even though his mouth wasn't visible to me, I was sure that he was smirking. I rubbed my back a bit as I reached into my side pocket with the other hand. Naturally, he had to knock me into what was probably the only oak tree in a forest of pines. I found what I was looking for in my pocket and stood up straight. "Hey! I'm all for pokemon liberation, but by nonviolent means! Since you seem to disagree, you get to see something special! THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE!" Mewtwo seemed a bit surprised, but steeled himself again, showing off that invisible smirk. He rose high into the air again, looking down at me. "Show me," he said, sounding a little too eager. I lifted an arm and pointed a finger at him. I focused my energies and looked straight at him. I snapped my finger 10 degrees to his right. "LOOK! A FLYING DIGLETT!!" Mewtwo looked over his shoulder quickly, and turned back in rage, but it was too late to avoid the master ball I had sent flying at him. The master ball opened and sent a blue streak flying at Mewtwo. However, instead of capturing Mewtwo, the master ball sputtered with sparks and fell to the ground, still open. It was a shocking, but not unlikely event. The master ball had been from an alpha-point pokemon dimension. Anything that is absolute, like a master ball, but doesn't come from an alpha dimension, can have unexpected results when put into contact with something from an alpha dimension. That confirmed my fears that this was the Mewtwo from the pokemon alpha dimension. And if an alpha dimension being as powerful as Mewtwo had somehow escaped the watch of the DGF and gotten here, it meant that bad things were happening elsewhere. "Alright Mewtwo. I know I just ticked you off royally, so I think you should know that if you want to try to wipe the floor with me, the fight can really start now." This was the chance Mewtwo was waiting for. Effortlessly, he sent another tremendous blast at me, but I was prepared and dodged it. I rose to his altitude and surrounded myself in a perfect ki sphere. Mewtwo did the same, and we charged each other. We bounced off of each other like beach balls several times, until he became aware that I was attempting to recreate the scene from the first Pokemon movie. At that point he stopped on one point and started flinging those psychic blasts at me again. I was dodging like mad, but the fact that some of these blasts were visible helped some. The fact that these visible blasts happened to be much, much more powerful did not help. This battle was quickly escalating past what I had expected. I made a large leap to an area that wasn't riddled with blasts, and Mewtwo stopped for a moment. He sent a blast larger than the others directly torward me. I stood my ground, and deflected it. I immediately flung a ki blast of my own torward him. He deflected the first, but second blast hit him. I quickly followed up with a third which also hit its mark. Before he could recover I cupped my hands and gave him one more. "KAMEHAMEHA!!" The blast hit him fully, and I took a moment to prepare for one final attack of my own invention. I threw it, and there was a blast of blinding light, which faded to the sight of Mewtwo being knocked even farther away. For a moment his ascent stopped, and he began to drop, but he regained his control and ceased his attack. I could feel him seething inside, but I had no idea what he would, or could do next. "You pitiful fool. That is great power, but is nothing compared to what I am about to gain. The destruction of you leeches of this place is my ultimate goal. Behold my first tools to do it!" He held his hands(if you can call them that) out, and I recognized what appeared in each of them. In one was "Lucifer's Key", an impliment I had learned about all too well just recently. And, equally terrifying, in the other-- "The Destroyer rings!!" I gasped. "And Lucifer's Key! Where did you get them?" "It was all too easy. Watch as I show you your death!" The Destroyer Rings began to glow, and made a blinding flash before disappearing and leaving an absence of light in their place. Mewtwo bent his will on the void, and a sword appeared there. "Holy Schlozkys!!!" I could tell that this was the first time that he had used the rings, much less assembled them into this sword. It was almost unbelievable that the monster that I had just faced had fought using only his own power... and now he held the force that had been used by the most dangerous villians who had ever had the gall to crawl out of the woodworks. "Your whole race of parasites will be smitten with this power, but not directly! You, however, will have that honor!" In desparation, I fired the greatest ki attack I could muster, but he deflected it with a flick of his sword. Before he could attack with it, though, he was struck by a revelation, which probably came to him with the aid of the sword. "I don't have time for this. You can die later... or sooner!" Mewtwo flew high into the sky, and using the power of the sword created a ball of energy about two train cars in diameter. Even as I hovered far below it was rather frigging huge. "Oh crap." I couldn't see Mewtwo, but I could see the ball rapidly approaching me. As soon as its approach began, I could feel Mewtwo's power leaving that dimension. He was gone, but the attack wasn't. I braced the best I could with a ki shield. The ball hit me and sent me flying as if it were a shooting marble and I were a pebble. It continued its decent straight down, and made a crater in the earth beneath it. Meanwhile, I managed to adjust my flight into a slide on the ground, and made a rather painful stop. I raised my head to see my truck intact. At the very least I had hoped to have an excuse to replace it. Oh well. In exhaustion I dropped my head back onto the dusty ground, only to hear an annoying beeping. I reached for the small Vortex com-link disguised as a cell phone. "Home of the whopper, what's you beef?" I heard Ray's voice on the other end. "Mac? um. Hey, that's Burger King. Shouldn't you be singing the Big Mac song from McDonalds or something?" "Oh, ah. We've got problems." "You've got problems?? Ray, I just fought Mewtwo, who just happens to have ALL OF THE DESTROYER RINGS ASSEMBLED INTO A SWORD AND ALSO HAPPENS TO HAVE LUCIFER'S KEY!!" "When did you fight him?" I let my head drop back down again. "Just a few seconds ago. Why?" "Well, in that few seconds that have elapsed, thanks to the varying timelines between dimensions, we've fought him several times, and alot of other stuff has happened. Look, can you meet us on Jurai in Tenchi OVA dimension alpha?" "I'll be right over." "Thanks." "Crap." ----------------------------------------------------------------- So, to recap: Mac fought Mewtwo before the whole mess started, Mewtwo assembled the sword of darkness, Ray calls Mac at the end of part 5, and we're going from there! Don't worry, fellow writers in the series, I won't be long with parts 6-2 and 6-3, and they won't be long (lengthwise), either. -----------------------------------------------------------------